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A Message From Our Founder

I’m guessing that something triggered your interest in Jackson, Grant. Perhaps you sold your business, received a substantial inheritance, or want to retire. These are the types of transitional events that typically bring clients to Jackson, Grant.

Let me introduce myself. I’m Julie Jason, the firm’s founder. If you don't know me directly, you may know me through my books, columns or lectures -- or through friends or relatives of our clients or their attorneys or accountants.

When I founded the firm after a decade in law and management on Wall Street, my mission was to create something different, a fiduciary "only-and-always" investment counsel boutique that I would want to manage my family’s portfolios. To me, that meant removing production goals and third-party revenue from the equation, and focusing on a single service: personal portfolio management -- not for everyone, but for discerning individuals who wanted more than Wall Street offered.

We are now celebrating more than a quarter of a century of success through good markets and bad. We are honored to serve the families who found us. 

If you are curious and want to learn more, please give us a call (203-322-1198). Let’s find out if we are the right firm for you now and for future generations.  

Julie Jason, JD, LLM


My latest book, "The Discerning Investor," will be of interest to you if you are a skeptic with substantial assets to invest as a result of a life transitional event. The book, which was just released, is available through the publisher, The American Bar Associationand Amazon.