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Consulting Services

A consulting engagement might be: 

  • Cash flow and sensitivity analyses to answer the question:  How can I fulfill my legacy and charitable plans while maintaining my current lifestyle?
  • Coordinating with estate planning counsel to incorporate financial elements of the plan
  • Providing a second opinion on current investments, short of making buy, sell, or hold recommendations
  • Selecting a trustee for a family trust 
  • Coordinating with legal counsel to set up a Delaware trust and appoint independent trustees 
  • Reviewing investment options and creating an investment policy statement for a sponsor of a 401(k) plan
  • IRA distribution planning for owners and beneficiaries of IRAs
  • Coordinating with tax advisers to consider Roth conversions
  • Reviewing benefits for senior executives of public companies
  • 401(k) education
  • Educating young family members about family dynamics and family offices