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Our Clients' Needs Direct Our Investment Process

Our clients' lifetime, legacy, and charitable needs direct our investment process.   

We choose investments (stocks, bonds, ETFs, and mutual funds) based on the likelihood of success in meeting present and future needs at an acceptable risk level. 

We manage income-producing retirement portfolios at a lower risk level than the general market to lessen downside exposure. 

We focus on today as well as the future, recognizing that our clients' investment horizons are decades long. 

For example, you may start out with a simple goal of capital appreciation to build assets before you retire. Then, you may switch to multiple objectives with varying time horizons: 

  • Filling your retirement income gap if pension-like sources of income are insufficient to cover your family's lifestyle needs 
  • Adjusting income needs over time for changes in circumstances and loss of purchasing power
  • Tactical withdrawal sequencing to accommodate required minimum distributions and to optimize tax-deferred accounts
  • Long-term capital appreciation to build assets over time 
  • Establishing, funding, and managing family foundations to promote charitable causes
  • Establishing, funding, and managing the family's trusts
  • Creating terminal value as a legacy for your heirs or for charity

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