Julie Jason's "The Discerning Investor"
First, an audio message from the author . . .
C l i c k H e r e T o Re a d C h a p t e r 1
Publisher: American Bar Association 2022
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E d i t o r i a l R e v i e w . . .
“Jason’s presentation is intellectually rigorous—instead of self-help-style nostrums, she furnishes concrete, actionable advice substantiated with empirical data. Moreover, despite necessary excursions into technicality, this is a thoroughly readable book that will be entirely accessible to those with a limited understanding of investment strategy.
“Another of its virtues is that it never dispenses hyperbolic promises and unflinchingly confronts the reality of risk: ‘In my experience, the most satisfied investors are those who embrace the investor’s dilemma, understanding that risk (uncertainty) and reward (high returns) are forever and always intertwined.’
“Overall, this is an impressively informative book that attests to the author’s 30-plus years of experience in the financial industry.” - Kirkus Reviews
C L E N o w A v a i l a b l e . . .
Form CRS: Practical Considerations for Attorneys - National Academy of Continuing Legal Education
I n T h e N e w s . . .
9/13/2022 Podcast: Counsel to Counsel - Planning for Retirement with Julie Jason
Other Publications by Julie Jason
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Award-Winning Weekly Column Syndicated by Andrews McMeel Syndication
Important Information About Awards: Awards earned by the Firm’s founder, Julie Jason, for her books and columns should not be construed as a guarantee to clients that they will experience a certain level of results when retained to provide investment advisory services. Some sponsors charge a modest entrance fee to compete for the award.
Important Information About Rankings: Neither rankings, nor listings, nor recognition by unaffiliated rating services, publications or other organization, nor the achievement of any designation of certification should be construed by a client or prospective client as a guarantee that he or she will experience a certain level of results if the firm is engaged or continues to be engaged, to provide investment advisory services. Some rankings base their selections exclusively on information submitted by the recognized adviser; those rankings are generally limited to participating advisers; others perform their own research; some charge a fee for consideration; some charge a fee for a listing with or without a ranking. No ranking, recognition, or listing should be construed as a current or past endorsement of the firm by any of its clients.